Saturday, June 14, 2008

Paired Reading

Most second graders have moved through the beginning stages of
reading and are now working on reading smoothly and focusing on
meaning. I'd like to recommend 'paired reading' as a powerful
motivator to boost your child's literacy growth.

"Paired Reading" is a practice strategy that helps children improve
their reading skills. It combines two powerful techniques:
*the tutor and the child read aloud together
*the tutor lets the child read independently while providing
encouragement and supportive coaching.

1.) Start out by agreeing on a set time each day to read
together for about 10 to 15 minutes.

2.)Begin each session by reading an 'old favorite' followed by a new read.
(A trip to the local library will help you to stock up on
early reader chapter books that your child helps select.)

3.)Use a starting signal(i.e.-shoulder tap)
for"together reading",where you both read the text aloud.
You will have to adjust your speed while modeling natural flow.

4.) If your child hesitates or misses a word just give
the correct pronunciation and the definition,instead of sounding out.

5.) Your child may 'shoulder tap' you at anytime to signal the desire to read independently. A second tap would signal adding your voice in choral reading once again.As the tutor,your job is that of a cheerleader,making positive comments and offering support as needed.

6.) When finished,have a simple, relaxed conversation
about what has been read.Then add the newly enjoyed book to your
child's collection of old favorites.

If this type of program is used in your home everyday
for the next 6 weeks I think you will see awesome results!

Friday, June 13, 2008


I am finally up on the times and have a blog!

I will be posting info from the classroom, special events, and my insights on a monthly basis.

Thanks so much for reading and I look forward to hearing your responses also!

-Janie Potter