Sunday, January 25, 2009

'People Who Make a Difference'

All second graders in California explore the lives of actual people who make a difference in the lives of others. The purpose of this unit is to understand the importance of personal integrity. As we learn the stories of extraordinary people we see how our lives are affected by the actions of these heroes now and long ago. In turn, we ponder how our own actions can positively affect those around us. The social studies standard is stated in this way:
2.5 Students understand the importance of individual action 
and character and explain how heroes from long ago and the
recent past have made a difference in others' lives.

To kick off this inspiring unit we learned about the great American Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Following the lesson, the children did a five minute 'free-write'. Here are some of the unedited, and very precious, journal entries of my students:

"Ther were unpher lawrs. Today we are equel. He had a dream. Dr. King was good ."

"There were unfair laws. Martin had a dream. There were 2 water fountains one for black people and one for white people. Then he was born the one who changed our lives. Martin Luther King Jr. Not everyone liked his plan. Some people burned down his house just becuase of his plan and then a few years later he said I don't want my children to be judged by the color of their skin! I want them to be judged by their own caricter! Right! everyone cheered. Then it became true. Restraunts let all people in. libarys, schools, and everything!"

"They codnot shar water fountains."

"When Dr. king was around white people sat in the front of the bus. today people can sit wherever they want on buses and trains."

"...that spich that was a vary gud spich...doctr loothr king was a gud gud gud prsun...dont get mad at pipl that has difrint culrd skin....evry budy dusint have black skin and wigt skin. im happy are you happy cuz i am."

"Back then some schools were only for white children. Other schools were olny for African American children. this way children were segregated from each other."

"It's against the law to keep people apart..."

"today: people can sit wherever they want. you might make a new friend the next time you are on a bus or a train!"

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