Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ringing in the New Year~First Grade Style!

Children everywhere recently heard the important adults in their lives proclaim new year beginnings for 2011~The new year provides us with an opportunity to reflect upon what's really important to us. It's a time to fine-tune our relationships, including our interactions with the little ones we influence. As we all have experienced, we know that a positive self-concept develops from feeling capable. In fact, many psychologists say our behavior is a reflection of our self-concept. With that in mind, what can adults do to encourage the children in their lives to start this year off right?

As a teacher, my passion is to encourage, motivate, nurture and support the children in my sphere of influence as well as provide tools for their loved ones. One of my favorite resources is The Institute of Love and Logic, founded by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline M.D. I re-read their books often and actually keep their material and website close at hand as a daily reference. My 'new year read' is 'The Pearls of Love and Logic for Parents and Teachers'. Every time I pick it up, I can't help but apply the's SO practical!

Each mini-chapter explains a pearl, such as: 'Self-Concept', 'Schoolwork', 'Grades', 'Fighting and Bickering', 'Whining and Complaining', 'Sibling Rivalry', 'TV and Mush-Brain', 'Avoiding Control Battles'...all very practical and concise lessons for parents, teachers, and other adults who influence our children.

I've learned effective behavioral techniques such as stating negative assertion, using the broken record, giving viable choices, showing empathy instead of anger, as well as developing a grab bag of catch phrase power messages to use as needed...Sound interesting? Then I encourage you to check out their website at

I'm confident that you will want to apply what you learn as 2011 takes shape! Happy New Year!

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